Thursday, 11 June 2015

Boy's Sirap Laici by Vapor Boy Review

The first e-juice review for June is mmmmm mmmmm! Delicious!
Say hello to Boy's Sirap Laici. Its tantalizing bright red makes it tempting to drink from the bottle! (But please. Don't.)

At first vape, the taste is very similar to Ministry of Juicer's Violent. The lychee flavor in this e-liquid is the most obvious and paired with a mild rose tone.
It does taste like actual Sirap Ais you would get from your usual mamak. This is definitely light enough to be an all-day vape and certainly scores highly in our books.

And oh, we are getting massive clouds from this too!

Try it and share your comments below!

Primary Flavors: Rose Syrup, Lychee, Menthol
Flavor: 7/10
Vapor Production: 8/10
Throat Hit: 5/10
Cooling Effect: 7/10


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